Wednesday, August 5, 2009

daniel - chapter I

i knew a man once. his name was daniel. he was beautiful. he was the perfect equation of androgyny in every way. his hands were perfectly proportioned and moved like an artist, but they were also callused - like a man's hands should be. his build was slender; a medium height. his eyes were intense and saw through my soul. they pierced me. his mixed blood made his bone structure impeccable. his pretty face addicted me to his presence - his approval - his love. daniel's mouth made it hard to stand at times. the way it sat on his face, the way he used it, the way it grazed me. it made me want to give him the only thing i possessed of any value. myself. heart body soul.
he had an arsenal of experience under his belt. he had much experience with girls like me. there was never an opportunity he'd turn down. yet he was so genuine, so honest. he was so young; just trying to figure out how all of his romantic ideas of the world would fit into reality. he loved film and music. he saw his life as scene to scene. he would make choices based on his affinity for cinematic drama. being one who acts purely from the heart and a sense of yearning, this only made me believe in us more whole-heartedly. he had a confidence that charmed like flies to honey. he thought if he gave the impression he was worth something, he would start to believe it himself. he was worth everything to me. priceless, and mine. this is what heaven would have been like.